When playing Alucard, it is recommended to use the Assassin emblem. For talents, Rupture is a good choice for its adaptive penetration, Master Assassin provides extra damage in the laning phase, and Killing Spree offers bonus health movement speed during team fights.

Emblem-wise, you don’t necessarily have to change it as it suits all situations.

As Alucard is a jungler, the best Battle Spell to use is Retribution. However, if you plan on playing him in the side lane as an offlaner, Execute is recommended for bursting down opponents.


For the best build for Alucard, consider getting the following items: Blade of Despair, Endless Battle, Queen’s Wings, and Blade of the Heptaseas.

Warrior Boots are a good addition for extra movement speed and physical defense. Blade of Despair is an important item in this build as it provides the highest burst damage, especially against enemy units below 50% HP.

Endless Battle is useful for lifesteal and True Damage, while Blade of the Heptaseas grants additional health, Physical Penetration, and extra physical attack damage through its passive effect.

Finally, for defense, you can acquire Queen’s Wings to reduce incoming damage when your health is low.

If you happen to find yourself in a game where there is a powerful hero on the enemy team, I recommend purchasing Endless Battle as your first essential item for sustaining yourself.

In the later stages of the game, you may consider selling Warrior Boots and replacing them with Windtalker. If you have more than 6,000 gold to spare, you can sell Windtalker and Blade of the Heptaseas to replace them with two additional Blade of Despairs.

A useful tactic I like to employ is selling Queen’s Wings once it goes on cooldown and purchasing Immortality so that there is no downtime.

Master the best skills:

Maximize your mastery over Alucard’s second skill, Whirling Smash, and learn these combinations.

Always prioritize maximizing your second skill, Whirling Smash, to have a shorter cooldown. This will allow you to close the distance more frequently when engaging or disengaging.

The basic combination for Alucard is 1-3-basic attack-2-basic attack-1-basic attack-3.

Utilize your first skill, Groundsplitter, to initiate a jump, followed by your ultimate, Fission Wave, for burst damage. Then, follow up with a basic attack and Whirling Smash for area-of-effect damage.

Once you have mastered the basic combo, advanced combos become more freestyle, allowing you to adapt to the situation. Generally, you should use your second skill and follow it up with a basic attack when engaging your opponent.

To dodge skill shots, use your first skill and then quickly attack your opponent when reengaging. Finally, use your ultimate to maximize burst damage when chaining your combo.

In the early stages of the game, prioritize objectives and focus on core heroes during team fights. Secure the Turtle and help your teammates by roaming and ganking.

During the mid-game, concentrate on objectives such as towers after successfully ganking. Keep farming to increase your gold advantage and consider invading the opponent’s jungle if you manage to eliminate their core heroes.

In the late game, as more team fights occur, concentrate your efforts on the enemy’s core and mage heroes. Alucard should always prioritize targeting the marksman and core heroes.


Alucard is generally compatible with all heroes, but he works best with heroes who can aggressively set up for him. For example, when Yu Zhong initiates a fight, Alucard can dive in and use his burst combo.

However, it’s important to be cautious of Esmeralda on the opposing team. Alucard cannot easily defeat her if she consistently builds up her shield. In such situations, it’s advisable to focus on ganking her early in the game and try to end the match quickly. Alternatively, it may be wise to ban her during the drafting phase.

During the drafting phase, I prefer to have two fighters in the side lanes instead of a marksman. Since I consider Alucard a fighter himself, I find that a lineup with three fighters is the most enjoyable to play. When striving to climb the ranks, always maintain confidence and adopt an aggressive playstyle.

To avoid getting attacked or defeated by enemies, it is important to focus on ambushing them. When an enemy hero unknowingly enters a bush, this is the perfect opportunity to quickly eliminate them.

However, it may be more challenging to take down tanks on your own, so it’s advisable to coordinate with your teammates.

Despite not being considered a top-tier hero, I believe Alucard can be a formidable character if played skillfully. Good luck with your intense gameplay!


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