One arrow through the heart:

Miya is a marksman hero and one of the original characters in the popular game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

She is known for her abilities such as attack speed and multi-shot buffs, decent crowd control,
and an ultimate skill that can be used for both initiating fights or escaping dangerous situations.

This versatility has made her a favorite among players who are new to the game or still improving their skills.

Miya’s Skills in Mobile Legends:

Passive Skill – Moon Blessing:

Whenever Miya hits an enemy with her basic attack, her attack speed increases for a certain duration.
This effect can stack up to a certain number of times.

When Miya reaches the maximum number of stacks, she gains additional attack speed.

At full stacks, Miya also summons a Moonlight Shadow to assist her in each basic attack.
The Moonlight Shadow deals damage based on her physical attack.

There is an indicator below Miya’s HP and mana bar to keep track of the number of stacks.

First Skill – Moon Arrow:

Miya shoots two extra arrows with each basic attack. The main target takes full damage, while the rest take reduced damage.
This effect lasts for a few seconds.

The secondary arrows can trigger attack effects such as critical damage and lifesteal.

It is recommended to prioritize leveling up this skill as it is essential for farming minions.

Note that Miya will not shoot extra arrows if the enemy is at maximum range, so you may need to get closer to activate this effect.

The secondary arrows will not target enemies behind Miya, so it is important to consider your positioning when using this ability.

Second Skill – Arrow of Eclipse:

Miya’s second skill is called Arrow of Eclipse. When activated,
Miya shoots a powerful arrow towards a targeted area, inflicting damage on any enemies within range and immobilizing them.
The arrow then divides into smaller arrows that scatter and hit the first enemy they encounter, causing additional damage and slowing them down.

This is the only ability that allows Miya to control a crowd of enemies.

Even though immobilized, enemy heroes are still able to use their regular attacks and skills.

It is important to note that certain heroes with blink or charge abilities can break free from this immobilization effect.

However, it’s important to mention that this skill cannot be used to reveal the location of enemies hiding in bushes by hitting them.

Ultimate – Hidden Moonlight:

Miya’s ultimate ability is called Hidden Moonlight. When activated,
Miya instantly removes any debuffs affecting her and enters a state of concealment, becoming invisible to enemies.
During this time, she also gains a boost in movement speed. This state lasts for a few seconds or until she launches an attack.

When Miya exits the concealed state, she fully restores the stacks of her passive skill
Moon Blessing, making it an excellent opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

Additionally, this ability serves as a useful tool for escaping sticky situations, since Miya doesn’t possess a blink or dash ability.

However, it’s important to mention that Hidden
Moonlight cannot remove suppression effects, such as those inflicted by heroes like Kaja and
Franco in their ultimate abilities, Divine Judgment and Bloody Hunt, respectively.

Lastly, even though Miya is invisible to enemy sight, she can still be affected by area-of-effect spells.

A Complete Guide on How to Play Miya in Mobile Legends:

When it comes to playing Miya in Mobile Legends, the choice of battle spell depends on your playstyle and team composition.

If you are confident in your team’s ability to protect you while you deal massive damage from a safe distance,
Choosing the Inspire spell can be a great option.
This spell boosts your attack speed, physical penetration, and lifesteal, allowing you to dish out more damage and sustain yourself in battles.

On the other hand, if you prefer a safer approach, opting for the Flicker spell is a reliable choice.
This spell can be used defensively to reposition yourself or escape from dangerous situations.
Additionally, it can also be used offensively by teleporting to the enemy backline after activating Hidden Moonlight, catching them off guard and surprising them with your attack.

Overall, the choice between Inspire and Flicker depends on your playstyle and the specific needs of your team.
Experiment with both spells to determine which one suits your gameplay style best and helps you achieve victory in battles.

Alternatively, you have the option to choose Bargain Hunter in the second tier talent.
This talent reduces the cost of equipment, allowing you to obtain your core items at a faster rate.

In the final tier, select Weakness Finder. This primary talent will greatly reduce the speed and attack rate of your target.
Alternatively, you can go for Quantum Charge, which periodically restores your HP and grants additional movement speed when dealing damage with basic attacks.

As the main damage dealer of your team, it is crucial to have a mix of attack speed and damage items in your build.

Start by purchasing Swift Boots, followed by Haas’ Claws
Windtalker, Berserker’s Fury, and Malefic Roar. For your last item slot, it is recommended to choose a defensive item.

If the enemy team heavily relies on physical damage
Wind of Nature is a strong choice as it provides temporary immunity to physical damage. Immortality,
Wind of Nature, or Winter Truncheon are all viable options for survivability items.

For magic damage, consider buying Athena’s Shield, as it significantly boosts magic defense.
Alternatively, Rose Gold Meteor provides magic defense, physical attack, lifesteal, and a shield when your HP is low.

Here’s a guide to help you decide when to buy items like Athena’s Shield or Radiant Armor in Mobile Legends.

There are several items to consider when building your hero in Mobile Legends. Here are some popular options:

1. Swift Boots: These boots provide increased attack speed, making them a good choice for heroes who rely on basic attacks.

2. Haas’ Claws: This item provides lifesteal, allowing heroes to sustain themselves in fights by healing a portion of the damage they deal.

3. Windtalker: Windtalker offers a mix of attack speed and critical chance, making it a versatile choice for heroes who rely on both basic attacks and critical hits.

4. Berserker’s Fury: This item increases critical hit damage, making it a good choice for heroes who rely on critical hits to deal burst damage.

5. Malefic Roar: Malefic Roar is an item that provides armor penetration, making it effective against enemies with high armor.

6. Wind of Nature: Wind of Nature provides physical immunity for a few seconds, making it a valuable item against heroes who deal heavy physical damage.

Another popular build is the Trinity Build, which consists of the following items:

1. Corrosion Scythe: Corrosion Scythe provides increased attack speed and a passive that slows down enemies, making it a good choice for heroes who rely on basic attacks and crowd control.

2. Demon Hunter Sword: Demon Hunter Sword provides physical lifesteal and bonus damage against high HP enemies, making it effective against tanky heroes.

3. Golden Staff: Golden Staff offers increased attack speed and a passive effect that increases damage against the same target over time, making it a good choice for sustained damage.

To round out your inventory, consider adding items like Malefic Roar and Wind of Nature or Athena’s Shield, depending on the situation.

Other item options to consider include:

1. Tough Boots: Tough Boots provide extra resistance against crowd control effects, making them a good choice when facing teams with heavy crowd control.

2. Athena’s Shield: Athena’s Shield provides a shield that blocks incoming magic damage, making it a good choice against magic damage-heavy enemy teams.

Remember, item choices should be based on the situation and your hero’s needs.
Experiment with different combinations and find the ones that work best for your playstyle.

During the early game, make use of Arrow of Eclipse and Moon Arrow in order to put pressure on your opponent and clear minion waves quickly.
This strategy will allow you to establish a strong presence in your lane and also help you in building up your item progression.

Once you have obtained one or two core items, you can start performing Miya’s combo to catch your enemies off guard.

Conceal yourself in a bush and patiently wait for the perfect moment to strike. Once you have located your target, activate Hidden Moonlight to position yourself strategically.

Following that, use Arrow of Eclipse to immobilize the enemy and then activate Moon Arrow to enhance the power of your basic attacks.
If you have Inspire, remember to activate it as well to increase your attack speed and physical penetration.

When choosing your targets, always prioritize squishy heroes such as marksmen, mages, or assassins.

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