Rafaela embodies all the qualities one could hope for in a support hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Her first ability, Holy Healing, not only heals allies but also increases their movement speed in a wide area.

Passive Skill – Deity Penalization

Rafaela, the hero, has a unique passive skill called Deity Penalization.
Whenever an enemy hero kills Rafaela within a certain range, she retaliates by firing a homing blast that inflicts true damage.

There are situations where sacrificing oneself becomes the best strategy, especially when the enemy carry is targeting Rafaela.
The damage inflicted by this passive skill is significant and can greatly assist Rafaela’s allies in securing an easy kill.

However, it is important to note that this skill requires a charging period and can be interrupted.
To ensure the homing blast successfully hits the enemy carry, it is crucial for Rafaela to position herself in close proximity to them.

First skill – Light of Retribution

Rafaela harnesses the power of holy light to inflict magic damage on three nearby enemy units, briefly revealing them and decreasing their movement speed.

The damage from this skill can be stacked three times, and an indicator below the enemy’s health bar shows the current stack count.
This skill is particularly useful for checking nearby bushes for hidden enemy heroes.
When scouting with your team, take the lead and use this skill as you approach any bushes.

In the early game, this skill deals a significant amount of damage, especially when at full stacks.
It is recommended to learn this skill at level one and then attempt to gank the midlane after assisting the jungler with the first buff.

Although this skill affects only three units at a time, it prioritizes revealing concealed heroes.
This is why Rafaela is considered a strong counter to heroes with stealth abilities like Aamon, Lesley, and Natalia.

Second skill – Holy Healing

Rafaela taps into the power of Holy Light, replenishing the HP of nearby allied heroes, including herself, and providing additional HP to the most injured ally within range.

This skill also grants a boost in movement speed to all affected allies, making it ideal for initiating team battles.
Additionally, this skill can be further enhanced by the Roam Favor blessing, amplifying Rafaela’s healing abilities.

To maximize the effectiveness of this skill, it is recommended to include a few magic power items in Rafaela’s build instead of solely focusing on tank and support items. Encourage your teammates to equip the Oracle item, as it will enhance the healing power of this skill.

During team fights, always stick close to the carries on your team so that you can promptly heal them when their HP is low. It is crucial to prioritize healing the carries and avoid using the skill excessively for the movement speed boost.

Ultimate – Holy Baptism

Rafaela harnesses the true power of Holy Light and directs it towards a target, inflicting magic damage in a straight line and stunning enemies.

This skill has a lengthy casting time and can be easily avoided.
To maximize its effectiveness, it is advisable to either approach the desired target closely or use Light of Retribution to slow down enemies, increasing the chances of landing the skill successfully.

Moreover, it is not recommended to rely on this skill for initiating team fights as its casting time is slow.
Instead, save it for when an enemy hero approaches your allies.
Furthermore, this skill inflicts significant damage, making it highly effective for eliminating enemy heroes in close proximity to you.

The best build for Rafaela in Mobile Legends includes:

1. Tough Boots
2. Enchanted Talisman
3. Thunder Belt
4. Oracle
5. Ice Queen Wand
6. Antique Cuirass

To start the game, choose the Light of Retribution as your first skill at level one, but afterwards, prioritize upgrading Holy Healing.
Whenever possible, level up Holy Baptism.

If you are playing Rafaela in the midlane, focus on maxing out Light of Retribution first.
During the first five minutes of the match, stick with your jungler and use Light of Retribution near bushes to avoid any enemy jungle invasions.

Once you reach level four, shift your attention towards ganking lanes.
Use Holy Healing to increase your movement speed and Light of Retribution to stun enemies in a straight line.
It is important to get close to your targets as the ultimate ability has a slow animation and can be easily dodged.

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