Nana, the lovable Leonin, is one of the most popular heroes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.
She has the ability to burst down enemies with her magical skill set. In addition to that, she is the only hero in the

Let’s take a look at Nana’s skills in Mobile Legends:

Passive – Molina’s Gift:

When Nana takes fatal damage, she transforms, removing all debuffs and becoming untargetable and immune to all damage.
She also gains extra movement speed for a few seconds.

However, she can only activate this skill every two and a half minutes, so it’s important to be cautious when engaging in fights.

At the end of the skill’s duration, Nana recovers a percentage of her HP.

You’ll know when Molina’s Gift is available when a golden ring appears below Nana.

First skill – Magic Boomerang:

Nana throws her magical boomerang in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit on its way and back.

The damage of Magic Boomerang is reduced for each additional enemy hit.

This skill should be prioritized and used frequently during the laning stage, as it serves as Nana’s farming and poking tool.

You can change the direction of the boomerang on its way back by moving sideways, allowing you to hit more enemies while positioning yourself safely.

Second ability – Molina Smooch:

Nana commands Molina to go towards a specific location, where it will search for and pursue the nearest enemy hero in that area.
Upon colliding with the first enemy hero it encounters, Molina will transform them for a short period of time.

As a result of the transformation, the enemy hero will suffer magic damage and experience a decrease in their movement speed and magic defense.

If there are no enemy heroes in the vicinity, Molina will stay still for a few seconds. It can chase an enemy for a limited time before disappearing.

This ability is the first one to be used in Nana’s combo, so it is crucial to accurately target the desired enemy before utilizing her other skills.

Strategically placing Molina in a bush can be helpful in scouting for adversaries, thus preventing surprise attacks. Additionally, Molina Smooch can be employed to create a zone of control against enemies while sieging or defending turrets.

Ultimate – Molina Blitz:

Nana calls upon Molina to launch a series of attacks on a specific area three times. Each attack inflicts magical damage on enemies and slows them down.

If Molina Blitz continuously hits the same enemy, that enemy will be stunned.

It is important to note that there is a slight delay in the casting animation of this skill. Therefore, it is advisable to ensure that your target is hit by Molina Smooch or another control ability first before using Molina Blitz.

To maximize the effectiveness of this ultimate ability, it is recommended to anticipate the enemy’s escape route and position your ultimate accordingly. This way, they will be hit twice and stunned.

Additionally, this ultimate skill can also be utilized to clear out large waves of minions.

The Best Build for Nana in Mobile Legends

To maximize Nana’s potential in Mobile Legends, it is recommended to use the following build:

1. Clock of Destiny
2. Arcane Boots
3. Lightning Truncheon
4. Genius Wand
5. Divine Glaive
6. Holy Crystal

During the laning stage, place Molina Smooch near the minion wave to create a zone that discourages your opponent from approaching.
If they become transformed, poke them with Magic Boomerang.

For the full combo, wait for an enemy to be transformed by Molina Smooch. Then, use Molina Blitz and follow it up with Magic Boomerang.

If your target manages to survive, use Flameshot to eliminate them, if you have it available.

Whenever possible, focus on using the combo on squishy heroes, such as the mage or marksman, from the opposing team.


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