Has Mobile Legends affected your life? MPL PH MLBB

Has Mobile Legends affected your life? MPL PH MLBB

A topic worth discussing??

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) is a popular game that has gained a strong following among those who enjoy playing
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games.Developed and published by Moonton

MLBB offers various game modes for players to choose from. The main game modes include
Classic, Rank, Brawl, Vs A.I, Custom, and Survival.
With its captivating 3rd fiction heroes and unique skills and powers for each hero, the game is highly addictive.

In Mobile Legends, winning does not require extreme intelligence or genius. Instead, players need to strategize and work together with their allies to defeat their enemies and emerge victorious against the opposing team.

While this game brings pleasure to every player, there are both positive and negative impacts of playing it.
We cannot ignore the changes in the attitudes of today’s youth towards others and their socialization skills, which are greatly influenced by online games.

There are advantages and disadvantages of using or excessively playing Mobile Legends.

This game is rapidly gaining popularity and many people are becoming addicted to it, as it can be easily downloaded for free from the Google Play Store with just a click.

Playing Mobile Legends offers numerous health benefits and brings joy to every player. It has been well-documented that this popular game can alleviate depression, reduce stress, and generate a general sense of well-being.

While it may seem like an extravagant claim, there is substantial evidence to support it, prompting many individuals to incorporate video games like Mobile Legends into their daily routines.

Here are some of the benefits of playing Mobile Legends:

1. Improved mood:

Few things are as effective in boosting one’s mood as playing Mobile Legends.
This game requires strategic thinking and teamwork, which not only helps players feel accomplished and engaged but also provides opportunities for social interaction.

Players can trade learnings and strategies with others, contributing to a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Age is not a determining factor when it comes to learning online games like Mobile Legends. Whether you are old or young, anyone can easily pick up the game and learn how to play it.

One of the advantages of playing Mobile Legends is that it helps build social interaction.
Since the game is widely popular across the country, it provides an opportunity to socialize with other players.
Through playing the game, you can meet new people, share your knowledge and strategies, and develop friendships.


While playing mobile legends can be a source of enjoyment for players, there are also several disadvantages associated with its use.
The majority of mobile legends players are teenagers or millennials, who are often highly influenced by the latest trends.

However, recent news has raised concerns about the issues encountered by millennials today.
Below are some of the negative impacts of playing the online game, mobile legends.

1. Laziness

Many parents nowadays express concerns about their children’s laziness due to their excessive phone usage.
They find it difficult to get them to perform household chores, run errands, or even eat together as a family.


One of the main reasons players enjoy playing Mobile Legends is because it allows them to unwind and relieve stress.
The game offers extreme happiness and excitement to its users.

However, there are some downsides that players should be aware of as well.
Playing an online game like Mobile Legends can potentially affect an individual’s attitude.
They may become easily angered or frustrated, leading to conflicts with others.

Additionally, excessive use of cellphones for gaming purposes can lead to a loss of socialization skills, as individuals become more engrossed in the cyber world and neglect face-to-face communication.

Moreover, Mobile Legends can also have a negative impact on academic performance, particularly in schools.
Many students tend to fall asleep during classes, and often attribute this to staying up late at night playing the game.

Instead of focusing on their studies and listening to their teachers, they prioritize sleep in school, leading to a lack of concentration and participation in class.

While Mobile Legends can be an enjoyable and entertaining game, it is important for players to maintain a balance and not let it interfere with their personal lives, academic commitments, and social interactions.

The excessive use of online games like Mobile Legends can negatively impact students’ academic performance, leading to lower grades and reduced productivity in school. However, we should not blame technology for these effects.

In fact, we should be grateful for the convenience it brings to our lives, as without it, our current way of living would be impossible.
Mobile Legends is an entertaining game that helps people relax and relieve stress, but it’s important to remember that excessive use of any activity can have detrimental effects.

We should learn to moderate our time spent on online games and use them in a balanced manner.


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